Methods for controlling air pollution include removing the hazardous
material before it is used, removing the pollutant after it is formed,
or altering the process so that the pollutant is not formed or occurs only
at very low levels. Automobile pollutants can be controlled by burning
the gasoline as completely as possible, by recirculating fumes from fuel
tank, carburetor, and crankcase, and by changing the engine exhaust to
harmless substances in catalytic converters (see Internal-Combustion Engine).
Industrially emitted particulates may be trapped in cyclones, electrostatic
precipitators, and filters. Pollutant gases can be collected in liquids
or on solids, or incinerated into harmless substances. Here are some
lab experiments which can be conducted :
Particulates, vapors, and gases are controlled by passing the gas stream
through a liquid solution. Scrubbers are used on coal burning power plants,
asphalt/concrete plants, and a variety of other facilities that emit sulfur
dioxides, hydrogen sulfides, and other gases with a high water solubility.
Wet scrubbers are often used for corrosive, acidic, or basic gas streams.
( Note that recovery control devices include adsorption and condenser techniques
as well.)
By use of static electricity, they attract particles in much the
same way that static electricity in clothing picks up small bits of dust
and lint. Electrostatic precipitators, 98 to 99 percent effective, are
used instead of bag houses when the particles are suspended in very hot
gases, such as in emissions from power plants, steel and paper mills, smelters,
and cement plants.
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